Making government & politicians more accountable &
transparent, and engaging the public in a political dialogue.
Political Vigilance is dedicated to empowering citizens and fostering a government that truly represents and serves its community. Our mission centers on three core objective:
Strengthen Citizen Participation: Create avenues for meaningful public involvement, ensuring that our city government and legislators actively consider and respond to the needs and voices of the people.
Inspire Civic Responsibility: Set a positive example for future generations by redefining the relationship between citizens and government. We aim to replace outdated practices with a fresh approach rooted in fairness, ethical leadership, and public trust.
Promote Effective Governance: Advocate for systems that allow citizens to clearly understand and evaluate the operations of city government, from legislative actions to the mayor’s performance as an administrator. We want transparency, accountability, and oversight. We emphasize efficient, responsive, and citizen-focused decision-making.
By encouraging collaboration between citizens and their government, Political Vigilance seeks to build a community where public trust is earned, civic engagement is expected, and leadership reflects the values of those it serves.
Latest Posts
Rienzi Subdivision Flooding Meeting (October 7, 2024) Thank you to everyone who attended the meeting, including our public officials. I apologize to those who could not get in nor have a seat. I did not expect 120-150 people to show up! I will be better prepared when we meet with the mayor...
Our Mission
Political Vigilance’s purpose is to explore the role of today’s citizens in expressing the meaning of “of the people, for the people, and by the people”.